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我厂生产并出口不锈钢、碳钢、合金钢对焊三通、异径管、弯头、管帽、弯管、封头。符合美标、英标、日标、德标.质优价廉.获得了ISO9001质量认证证书.近年来产品大量出口到美国,英国,印度,荷兰,菲律宾,新加坡,东南亚等国家地区.希望与更多的国内出口商和国外进口商建立贸易关系.Following is the catalog for your reference.(1)seamless elbows (long radius) to ASME B16.9:1/2“~24“welded elbows (long radius) to ASME B16.9:16“~64“seamless elbows (short radius) to ASME B16.28:1/2“~24“welded elbows (short radius) to ASME B16.28:16“~56“Any degree of elbow is available. (2)seamless straight and reducing outlet tees to ASMEB16.9:1.5“~24“ welded straight and reducing outlet tees to ASME B16.9:16“~48“(3)seamless concentric and eccentric... [详细介绍]